Absolutely Wonderful
There a lack of adventure games like Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max, etc. I miss those point and click games so much! A part from the art that I will say about it later, the game is fantastic, not to hard to make you break your mouse, and not that easy, that way you seems to be rewarded a lot for passing every challenge. I particularly love the flowers challenge, it was very inventive, and brillantly rewarding. I just shooted random at on of those flowers, to discover that it turned white. Awesome.
Now about the art direction. I was amazing, it fits a LOT with the dark story, remind me of those children books, that was beautiful but kind of scary sometimes for kids.
I cant say if you handraw everything, or Photoshop it, in any of those cases, its pretty hard to make it animating, and you have done it perfectly.
I don't have any more compliments to say. The game was the best, and the only one that I played until the end here on Newgrounds. 5/5 and 10/10. Perfect!
Greatings from Brazil, sorry about bad writing. =P